tend라는 단어의 뜻을 어떻게 기억하고 계신가요. 하나의 단어에 여러 가지 뜻이 있어 영어를 배우는 우리는 쉽지 않지만 또 하나씩 알아가는 재미도 있습니다.
I'll tend to it
오역하기 쉬운 세 가지 표현. I'll tend to it
1. I'll tend to it. 제가 신경써서 처리할게요.
I have a lot of work that needs tending to. (신경써서) 처리해야 될 일이 정말 많아.
2. It's been one of those days. 그냥 일이 잘 안 풀리는 그런 날이야.
3. concrete: (사실에 의거한)명확한/구체적인
1. I'll tend to it. 제가 신경써서 처리할게요.
*tend 돌보다, 보살피다, 신경쓰다
-캠브릿지 사전 tend (formal): to care for something or someone
tend to sb/sth: to deal with the problems or needs of a person or thing
*tend to + 동사원형 = have a tendency to: ~하는 경향이 있다
I'll tend to it, sir.
Let me tend to these affairs.
*tend to + 동사원형: ~하는 경향이 있다
*tend to + 명사: ~를 보살피다/(신경써서)처리하다
→ tend to가 가르키는 대상이 사람/대상일 때
A: Can you get that taken care of?
B: Yes, I'll tend to it immediately. 바로 신경써서 처리할게.
Tend to it immediately.
Of course. I'll get that taken care of.
또는 I'm on it
I've been trying to get hold of you all day
Hey, I've been trying to get hold of you all day.
*get hold of = get a hold of
I've been trying to get a hold of him all afternoon.
<처리해야 될 일이 있었는데 이따 해도 돼요>
I have something I needed to tend to, but it can wait, it can wait.
부정적인 걸 말할 때 & 확정지어 말하기 조심스러울 때 빛을 발하는 tend to + 동사원형 (~하는 경향이 있다)
She is nosy. 그녀는 오지랖 넒다.
She tends to be nosy. 그녀는 오지랖 넓게 구는 경향이 있다.
*옥스포드 사전 nosy: showing too much curiosity about other people's affairs
<걔가 좀 질척이는 경향이 있지>
She tends to be a little clingy.
<나의 개선할 점을 얘기할 때도 I worry a lot 보다 부드러운>
I tend to worry a lot.
I tend to talk too much.
2. It's been one of those days. 그냥 일이 잘 안 풀리는 그런 날이야.
-옥스포드 사전: a day when several things go wrong.
A: It's just been one of those days. I'm sorry.
B: It's OK.
A: Someone's in a mood.
B: Sorry. It's been one of those days.
<(계속 전화가 울리자) 누구는 신경써댜 될 일이 아주 많은가봐~>
Somebody's got a lot of business to tend to.
Is she having one of those days?
Are you having one of those days?
3. concrete 명확한/구체적인
-캠브릿지 사전: based on sure facts or existing things rather than guesses or theories (추측이나 이론보다 사실에 의거한)
-Collins 사전: You use concrete to indicate that something is definite and specific.
<정확한 내용이 나오면 바로 알려드릴게요>
If there's any concrete news, you will know ASAP.
*명확하고 구체적인 정보/내용/계획 등에 concrete
Once I get more concrete information, I'll let you know.
We're planning on making some changes across the board, but there's nothing concrete yet.
*There's nothing concrete yet. 아직 확정된 건 없을 때.
*across the board: 전박적으로/전반에 걸쳐
<다음 프로젝트로 아직 확정된 건 없을 때>
Well, nothing concrete yet, but I've got stuff that I'm working on anyway.
We're talking in circles here. We need to make concrete plans.
<너나 내가 결정하기 전까지 확실한 계획은 보류하자>
And until one of us decides, we shouldn't make any concrete plans.
I need something more concrete. (그걸로는 부족해) 더 확실한, 구체적인 정보나 내용이 필요해.
<뭔가 확실한, 증명할 수 있는 자료를 보여달라고 할 때도>
A: We're talking in circles.
B: You don't believe me, do you?
A: I would need to see something, Lisa. Something concrete.
B: I have a photo.
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