활용법이 무한대라고 해도 과언이 아닌 접미사 -wise, -ish를 원어민처럼 쉽게 쓰는 법을 배워봅니다. 적절한 단어가 생각나지 않을 때 썼던 표현들인데 사전적인 의미부터 외워두면 두고두고 잘 쓸 수 있는 예문까지 제대로 배울 수 있는 기회입니다.
쉬운 단어로 네이티브처럼 말하기 "만능 치트키"표현 -wise, -ish 제대로 쓰는 법! 시작합니다.
"만능 치트키"표현 -wise, -ish 제대로 쓰는 법!
1. likewise 동감이야/ 마찬가지야
-Dictionary.com: similarily, or in the same way Likewise can also be used to mean something like "me too" or "the same thing you just said"
A: You must be Beth Ann.
It's nice to finally meet you.
B: Likewise.
-캠브릿지 사전: in this way or in this direction
1)~한 방향/방식으로
1)~한 방향/방식으로
-clockwise 시계방향으로
-lengthwise 세로방향으로
It got totally out of hand, lengthwise. <길이면에서 손쓸 수 없을 정도로 내용이 길어짐>
2) ~면에서/관하여
-캠브릿지 사전: changes a noun into an adverb meaning 'relating to this subject'
-time-wise 시간면에서
-career-wise 커리어면에서
-money-wise 금전적인면에서
-business-wise 사업적인면에서
<미팅이나 프리젠테이션에 자주 쓰는 표현>
1. How are we doing time-wise? 정해진 시간에 맞춰 잘 하고 있나요?/ 마감기한 맞춰서 잘 하고 있나요?
How am I doing time-wise?
otherwise, Likewise처럼 아예 굳어진 표현들은 -를 빼고 쓰고, 나머지 표현들은 대부분 -를 붙입니다.
How are we doing time-wise?
Okay.I'll run through them very quickly.
How are we doing number-wise? 실적면에서 어떻게 되고 있나요?
Are we getting close to that goal?
Number-wise, it's a 4% increase.
2. How are things going for you, business-wise? 사업면에 잘 되어가나요?
So, how are things going for you, career-wise? 커리어는 잘 되어가?
-You look great.
-Health-wise I'm great.
-Well, you look good, too.
Things are not that great for me, money-wise.
금전적인 면에서 상황이 그리 좋지 않아.
*Things 상황
★ 부사 that 그리,그정도로,그렇게
Share it via Google Drive.
It's that simple.
※ not that 그리~하지 않는,그정도로~하지 않는
This is not that good. 이건 그리 좋지 않은데./ 별론데.
This is not that special.
This is definitely good but not that good that you should wait two hours.
<맛있긴 한데 2시간이나 기다릴 정도는 아닐 때>
This is not that bad. 그리 나쁘지 않은데.
It's not that bad. It could be worse.나쁘지 않은데./ 괜찮은데. (더 안좋을 수 있는데) 그만한게 다행이지.
It's not that hot today. 그다지 덥지 않은데.
It's not that cold. 그리 춥지 않은데.
▶간단한 답변들
Can't complain. (딱히 불평할게 없을만큼) 잘 지내.
-Merriam-Webster 사전: used to say that one is fine
-How's it going?/ How's day going?
-Can't complain, thanks for asking.
Same old, same old. 늘 똑같지,뭐.
-So, how was school?
-Same old, same old.
Could be better. (그저 그럴때) 별로야
-Freedictionary.com: An unhappy or morose respponse to a question about one's wellbeing(such as "How are you?")
-How's it going?
-It could be better.
Couldn't be better. 최고야, 이보다 더 좋을 수 없다
-Freedictionary.com: (One wellbeing or the state of something) is perfect, exactly as desired, or better than expected
Things couldn't be better.
3. Everything's been taken care of, paperwork-wise. 서류적인 면에서 모든 것이 다 처리되었어요.
Michael's leaving.
It's a lot to process, paperwork-wise.
4. I like it price-wise, but color-wise, not so much. 가격면에서는 좋은데, 색상면에서는 별로에요.
<물건을 구매할 때, 다양하게 응용가능>
I like everything about it design-wise.
5. Do you think it'll help me career-wise? 네 생각에 커리어면에서 도움이 될 거 같아?
It'll help you down the road. 앞으로/살면서 네게 도움될거야.
-캠브릿지 사전: in the future(=down the line)
It's gonna help them down the road.
우리에게 익숙한 현명한의 wise
현명한/좋은 판단이나 결정에 wise (뭔가가 좋다라고 느껴질 때)
-캠브릿지 사전: having or showing the ability to make good judgements, based on a deep understaning and experience of life
That would be wise. 좀더 부드러운 I think that would be wise. 그러는게 좋겠다.
<상대의 생각이 현명하지/ 좋지 않다고 생각할 때>
-I just wanna be with you.
-I don't think that would be wise.
<내가 섣불리 추측해서 말하는 건 현명하지/ 좋지 않을 것 같다며>
I don't think it would be wise for me to surmise something like that.
지인에게 조언할 때 It would be wise to~~
또는 좀더 부드러운 It would be wiser to~~ 하는 게 더 낫겠어
-Collins 사전: If someone says to you it would be wise to do something, they are advising you to do it, because the most sensible and resonable action or decision in a particular situation
It would be wiser to go over it again. 그걸 다시 되짚어 보는 게 현명할 것 같아/ 나을 것 같아.
I don't want us to mess anything up.
I think it would be wiser to move on.
It would be wiser not to burn any bridges.
(특히 욱해서) 돌의킬수 없는 상황을 만들지 않는게 더 현명할거야/ 좋을거야.
-Freedictionary.com: to do something that cannot be easily undone or reversed in the future (often because one has behaved offensively or unfavorably)
Are you suggesting that maybe it would be wiser for the President-elect to be tweeting less?
Trump 당선인이 트위터를 좀 덜 하는 게 더 현명하다고/ 낫다고 제인하시는 건가요?
접미사 -ish ~의 성질을 가진/~같은
-캠브릿지 사전: used to form adjectives that say what a person, thing, or action is like; to give the meaning to some degree; fairly
*boyish: like a boy 남자애 성질을 가진
*stylish: having style, conforming to current fashion
A: How old do you think she is? 네 생각에 그녀는 몇 살정도 인 것 같아?
B: She looks 30-ish. 한 서른쯤 된 것 처럼 보이는데.
He's 30-ish.
I'm young-ish.
A: What time is it? 몇 시야?
B: It's 8:20-ish. 한 8시 20분 쯤 되었어.
How about tomorrow afternoon?
Central Perk in the village, say, 5-ish?
A: How much did you pay for this? 이거 얼마주고 샀어?
B: 50-ish. 한 50불쯤
They're gonna be like 15% to 20-ish percent, somewhere in that range.
--ish는 나이, 숫자, 색상 등에 같이 많이 쓰여요.
red-ish 붉으적적한
black-ish 거무틱틱한
brown-ish 갈색빛이 나는
blue-ish 푸르딩딩한
yellow-ish 누리끼리한
white-ish 희멀건한
the green-ish sections of these bar graphs
pretty-ish 예쁘장한
They're new-ish.
I feel good-ish.
*주로 캐쥬얼한 구어체에서 또는 적절한 단어가 생각나지 않을때 자주쓰임 -wise 와 -ish
1. How are we doing time-wise?
2. How are things going for you, business-wise?
3. Everything's been taken care of, paperwork-wise.
4. I like it price-wise, but color-wise,not so much.
5. Do you think it'll help me career-wise?
*쉽게 쓸 수있는 숫자,색상 + ish
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