go 동사 표현 원어민이 아니라면 쉽게 쓰기 힘든 go through, go around를 예쁘게 쓰는 법을 배워봅니다. 지난 번에 정리한 이 go 동사 에 이어 go through, go out, 이외에도 go out, go over one's head의 실전 활용법과 다양한 예문이 있으니 go의 활용법은 확실히 기억해 봅니다.
go through, go out 원어민처럼 예쁘게 쓰는 법 go 동사 표현
go의 활용법 2탄
1) go through
2) go around
3) go out
4) go over one's head
1. Go through
1)~(안 좋은 일)을 겪다 2) (강조) 거듭 살펴보다 3) 승인/통과/성사되다
1) Go through ~(안 좋은 일)을 겪다
-macmilan 사전: to experience something diffult or unpleasant
*go through a lot
She's going through a lot right now. 그녀는 정말 많은 일을 겪고 있어.
*cut 사람 some slack
-Collins 사전- cut 사람 some slack: to make things slightly easier for someone than you normally would because of their special circumstances or situation
Let's cut her some slack. She's going through a lot right now.
좀 봐주자. 그녀가 지금 많은 일을 겪고 있잖아.
Cut me a little slack. 나 좀 봐줘.
Cut me a little slack here.
*slacker 태만한/게으른 사람, 농땡이 피우는 사람
-캠브릿지 사전: someone who does not work hard enough or put enough effort into something
We don't work with slackers.
I have zero tolerance for slackers. 게으름뱅이는 용납 못해.
= I can't stand slackers.
<물론 슬랙프로그램을 얘기할때도>
Please feel free to tweet me, or Slack me, or ask me afterwards.
<상대방이나 스스로가 힘든 시기를 겪고 있다고 얘기할 때도>
I know that you're going through a lot right now.
I'm going through a lot right now.
*go through a rough patch 힘든 시기를 겪다
Well, I'm going through a little bit of a rough patch.
We're going through a rough patch.
*go through trouble
You didn't have to go through all this trouble. 번거롭게 이러지 않으셔도 됐는데, 뭘 이런 걸 다.
You really didn't have to go through all this trouble, Mr.Strickler.
You shouldn't have.
You didn't have to go through all this trouble. 번거롭게 이러지 않으셔도 됐는데.
No trouble at all :) 전혀 번거로운 거 없어요.(대답)
-Aw, you didn't have to go through all this trouble.
-No trouble.
-I mean, I made it from scratch, so a little trouble, but whatever.
*from scratch (완전) 맨 처음부터 사전준비나 지식없이
-캠브릿지 사전: from the beginning without using anything that already exists
Rita makes the bread from scratch.
I wrote this from scratch. 나 이거 처음부터 직접 내가 다 썼어.
Let's start from scratch. 처음부터 다시 시작하자.
We're gonna toss the whole thing and start from scratch.
다 없던 걸로 하고 처음부터 다시 시작할거야.
2) go through (강조)거듭 살펴보다, 검토하다
-macmilan 사전: to examine or search something very carefully
-go over 보다 꼼꼼하게 살펴보는 느낌
There's a lot to go over, but I'll explain everything as we go through.
우리가 검토해야 할 절차가 많아요. 그 항목들을 꼼꼼히 살펴보며 설명드리겠습니다.
I will explain that as we go through the presentation.
<특히 뭔가를 찾기위해 샅샅이 살펴보고 뒤져볼 때도>
*go through 샅샅이 살펴보다[뒤지다]
-캠브릿지 사전: to examine a collection of things carefully in order to organize them or find something
Don't go through my stuff. 내 물건 뒤지지마.
Stop going through my stuff.
I went through all the files. 파일을 샅샅이 살펴봤어요.
I went through all of her files.
3) go through 승인/통과/성사되다
-캠브릿지 사전: If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved
What if the deal doesn't go through? 거래가 성사되지 않으면 어떡해?
Sorry that that deal didn't go through.
The payment didn't go through. 결제가 통과되지 않았습니다.
It didn't go through.
The adoption papers went through!
2. go around 돌아다니다,(소문이나 병등이) 퍼지다
Coffee order is going around on me. 커피 주문서가 돌고 있어요.
There's a rumer going around. 소문이 돌고 있어.
There's a rumer going around that he's sick. 그가 아프다는 소문이 돌고 있어.
*There's a rumer going around that~ + 구체적인 소문
There's a flu going around. 독감이 돌고 있어.
There's a flu going around the hospital.
There's a lot of anxiety going around.
There's a lot of hate going around.
3. go out 외출하다/나가다(재밌고 좋은 뭔가를 하기위해 나가는것)
-macmillan 사전: to leave your house and go somewhere, especially to do something enjoyable
Let's go out for a drink. 가서 술이나 한 잔 하자.
Let's go out tonight.
<위로/동정할 때>
My heart goes out to him. 정말 안됐네요.
-Merriam-Webster 사전: feel sorrow or sympathy for
<상대에게 안 좋은 일이 생겼을 때 위로하는 표현>
My heart goes out to you and your family.
My heart goes out to the families of those impacted.
4. Go over one's head
*go over 검토하다/다루다/짚고 넘어가다/ 연습하다
I know we already went over this.
It didn't go over well. 반응이 별로 안 좋았어/ 잘 안 받아들여졌어.
Go over one's head
1) (상대를 건너뛰고) 보다 더 높은 사람에게 말하다
-macmillan 사전: to go to a more important or powerful person in order to get what you want
*Corporate Ladder
You went over my head to Wallace.
2) (복잡하거나 어려워) 이해하지 못하다
-macmillan 사전: to be too difficult for someone to understand
What he said in the meeting went over my head.
그가 회의 중에 한 말인데 무슨 말인지 이해가 잘 되지 않았어.
Your joke went over my head. 네가 한 농담 무슨 말인지 이해가 잘 안돼.
He said to me something that just went completely over my head.
A: Are we on the same page? 우리 같은 생각인 것 맞지?
B: Sorry, it's a new concept, and it went over my head.
A: 우리 같은 생각인 것 맞지?
B: 죄송해요, 새로운 컨셉이라 잘 이해가 되지 않아요.
It just went over my head because I couldn't see it.
Make sure to stay hydrated.!
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